Waves Multiple Choice Questions and Answers
On this page find conceptual questions for waves. All these are multiple-choice questions and answers are provided in the end. Try not to look at answers before attempting the questions on your own.

Conceptual Questions on Waves
Question 1. Transverse wave velocity in a stretched string depends on
a. frequency of the wave
b. tension
c. length of stringÂ
d. linear mass density string
Question 2. A transverse wave travels along the x-axis. The particles of the medium must move
a. Along the z-axis
b. Along the x-axis
c. In the y-z plane
d. Along the y-axis
Question 3. What is true for a standing wave on the string
a. All the particles are never at rest simultaneously
b. In one complete cycle, all the particles cross their mean position simultaneously twice
c. In one complete cycle, all the particles cross their mean position simultaneously once
d. All the particles acquire their positive extreme positions simultaneously once in a cycle
Question 4. Choose the incorrect one
a. When an ultrasonic wave travels from air into water. It bends towards the normal to the air-water interface
b. Any function of the form $y(x,t)=f(vt+x)$ represents a travelling wave
c. the velocity, wavelength, and frequency of the wave undergo change when it is reflected from a surface
d. None of the above
Question 5. Match the following (options A to E) with the types of the wave (options P and Q)
A) Thermal radiation received from the sunÂ
B) Sound waves produced by the vibrating string of the guitarÂ
C) Radio waves sent out from the broadcasting station
D) X Rays
E) Waves produced in the air by the vibrating tuning fork
P) longitudinal
Q) Transverse
Question 6. Which of the following functions represent a traveling wave
a. $y=p\cos(qx)sin(rt)$
b. $y=p\sin(qx+rt)$
c. $y=p\sin(qx-rt)$
d. none of the above
Question 7. Which of the following is not a standing wave
a. $y=p\cos(qx)\sin(rt)$
b. $y=p\sin(qx+rt)+p\sin(qx-rt)$
c. $y=p\sin(qx+rt)$
d. None of the above
Question 8. When a wave is refracted into another medium which of the following will change
a. Velocity
b. Frequency
c. Phase
d. Amplitude
Question 9. A pipe closed at one end and open at other will give
a. All even harmonics
b. All odd harmonics
c. All the harmonics
d. None of the harmonics
Question 10. To raise the pitch of a stringed musical instrument, the player can
a. Lossen the string
b. Tighten the string
c. Shorten the string
d. Lengthen the string
1. b,d  Â
2. c  Â
3. b,d  Â
4. a,c
5. A-Q,B-P,C-Q,D-Q,E-P  Â
6. b,c
7. c  Â
9. c  Â
10. b,cÂ
Numerical Questions On Waves
Question 1.The amplitude of a wave disturbance propagating in the positive direction is given byÂ
at time $t=0$ and by
at $t=5$ seconds where $x$ and $y$ are in meters. The shape of the wave disturbance does not change during the propagation. The velocity of the wave is
a. 1 m/sec
b. 1.5 m/sec
c. .5 m/sec
d. 2 m/s
Question 2.A transverse wave in a medium is described by the equation
$y=Asin^2(\omega t-kx)$.
The magnitude of the maximum velocity of particles in the medium is equal to that of the wave velocity.if the value of A is
a. λ/2π
b. λ/4π
c. λ/π
d 2λ/π
Question 3. A plane progressive wave is represented by the equation
$y=\cos(2\pi t-\pi x)$
The equation of the wave with triple of the amplitude and double the frequency
a. y=3cos(4Ï€t-Ï€x)
b. y=3cos(5Ï€t-Ï€x)
c. y=3cos(4Ï€t+Ï€x)
d. y=3cos(3Ï€t-Ï€x)
Question 4.In the above example ,The equation of wave with double of the amplitude and double the frequency but travelling in the opposite direction
a. y=2cos(4πt+πx)
b. y=2cos(5πt-πx)
c. y=2cos(4πt-πx)
d. y=2cos(3πt-πx)
Question 5.The displacement of a particle having wave motion given by
This expression may be considered to be a result of the superposition of how many wave motions
a. one
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
Question 6. A wave is represented by the equation
y=(1mm)sin[(60 s-1)t+(4 m-1)x]
which one of the following is true
a. Frequency =30/Ï€
b. Amplitude=.001mm
c. Maximum Velocity of the Particle 60 mm/sec
d. wave velocity is 100m/s
Question 7.the displacement of the particles in a string streched in the x-direction is represented by y.Among the following expressions for y,those describing wave motion ares
a. $\cos px\sin qt$
b. p2x2-w2t2
c. cos2(px+wt)
d. cos(p2x2-w2t2)
Question 8.A transverse wave on a string,the string displacement is described as
where a is negative constant
which of the following is true
a. The Shape of the string at t=0 is y=/1+x2
b. The shape of the waveform does not change as its move along the string
c. Waveform moves in the -x direction
d. The speed of the waveform is |a|
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. a and c
7. a
8. a,b,c,d