Coulomb’s law quiz

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Solve this Coulomb’s Law quiz problems to improve your problem-solving abilities. This quiz consists of 12 multiple choice questions. Here you can find both conceptual and numerical questions in the topic Coulomb’s Law. You can find the solutions of selected questions after you submit the test by clicking “View Results” button at the end of this online quiz.

Coulombs law MCQ online test

General Instructions

  1. Your test contains Coulomb’s Law multiple choice questions and true/False type questions with only one answer. There are a total of 12 questions
  2. This is not a timed test. You should be able to finish this test in not more than 20 minutes. Please make sure you complete it in stipulated time.
  3. You can finish this test any time using the “View Results” button.

1. The electrostatic force between two charges $q_1$ and $q_2$ separated by a distance $r$ is $F$. If the charges are doubled and the separation between them is reduced to half, the electrostatic force will be
2. Electrostatic force between two charges placed in vacuum is $F$. If the charges are placed at the same separation in a medium of dielectric constant (or relative permittivity) $K$, the force between them will be
3. Two positive charges $+q$ each are fixed at a certain distance apart. The third equal positive charge $+q$ is placed exactly midway between them. Then the third charge will
4. Two charges are placed a certain distance apart in air. When a dielectric sheet is placed between them, the electrostatic force between them will
5. Two small identical spheres having charges +10 µC and –90 µC attract each other with a force of F newton. If they are kept in contact and then separated by the same distance, the new force between them is
6. Identify the wrong statement in the following. Coulomb’s law correctly describes the electric force that
7. Two equal and opposite charges are placed at a certain distance. The force between them is F. If 25% of one charge is transferred to the other, then the force between them is
8. A stationary charge produces
9. When distance between two charges decreases, electrostatic force between them ____________; this relationship ____________ proportional
10. Electric force between two charges a central force.
11. If $q_1 \cdot q_2 < 0$, then the nature of force between the two charges is repulsive.
12. Three charges each of + 1ÎĽC are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle. If the force between any two charges be F, the net force on each charge would be


See also  The direction of electric field for positive charge and negative charge

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